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From Stuckness to Flow: A Systemic Approach to Transforming Conflict (Online)
November 11, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - December 9, 2020 @ 5:30 pm

This is a time of unprecedented change. Online work is stretching the invisible cords that bind us, contributing to increased alienation, polarisation and fuelling conflict. As leaders and change agents we have to support ourselves, our organisations and our people through increasingly stormy waters. We don’t have to face this alone.
Join us for this programme to explore together how to build the more creative, effective and agile organisations much needed by our stakeholders and society.
In five afternoon sessions spread over five weeks, we will go on a profound journey together, looking squarely at the conflicts we experience daily in this VUCA world from both a personal and a systemic perspective. We’ll re-wire our understanding and grow new muscles, enabling us to adopt a systemic lens, and to find our way through conflict into dynamic flow.
Conflict is expressed between people, so we usually try to deal with it there. However, it is our experience that whilst the effect is personal, the cause is often systemic and structural. We therefore need a wider and more sophisticated lens to understand it and to respond effectively. This leads to greater productivity within individuals and the system as a whole.
In this emerging reality, building our capacity to face conflict well is essential. Those of us who learn this skill will be of great value in these times, as enablers of transformation and flow.
Purpose of the programme
We will explore:
- What is conflict trying to tell us that we need to hear in this unprecedented time?
- How do we as individuals and organisations deal with conflict currently?
- How can we think differently about conflict so it becomes an enabler for growth and innovation, not a hindrance?
- How do we support individuals in conflict, whilst seeing the big picture?
- How do we work creatively with difference, even those stark and deeply held, to discover the solutions we need in a complex and ambiguous world?
Who is it for?
- Board level leadership, Heads of HR, OD leads and anyone facing conflict or situations where there is significant difference of opinions in the workplace/role on a regular basis.
- People – including conflict professionals – who seek a different approach to conflict transformation.
How will I and my organisation benefit from this programme?
Within yourself:
- deeper understanding of personal triggers to conflict and the impact on your ability to connect with others.
- increased clarity about yourself in situations of conflict.
- developing more choices regarding how you act in conflict.
With colleagues, within teams:
- understanding how ill-expressed and unexpressed conflict leads to stalemate.
- capability to create structures allowing for safe expression of difficulty.
- illuminating how to move from breakdown to flow of collaboration and creativity.
For the organisation:
- insight to what interpersonal conflicts tell us about the system as a whole.
- exploration of structural changes which support the organisation to thrive.
For wider stakeholders :
- knowledge of how to work with wider organisational stakeholders – who may have conflicting interests – to enable all to flourish.
- 5 online afternoon sessions spread over 5 weeks.
- One-to-one pre-course interview with to help clarify your intentions with Ben and Milly, both internationally renowned facilitators in this field.
- Mid-programme one-to-one coaching session on your conflict issue with Ben or Milly.
- Optional ‘homework’ practice between sessions to help deepen your learning experience.
- Balance of theory, dialogue and practice in each session.
- Belonging to a group of leaders, coaches and change-makers within a richly diverse learning pool.
Dates and times
The course is run fully online at the following dates and times:
Wed 11 November, 2-5.30pm (GMT)
Session 1: starting the journey
Introducing conflict transformation from a systemic perspective and deepening our personal enquiry into a live conflict situation.
Wed 18 November, 2-5.30pm (GMT)
Session 2: Humanising the other
Understanding personal triggers and widening our perspectives, moving from a heart of war to a heart of peace.
Wed 25 November, 2-5.30pm (GMT)
Session 3: Transforming conflict
Assimilating systemic theory and practice into our understanding of conflict transformation.
Wed 2 December, 2-5.30pm (GMT)
Session 4: Conflict as resource
Strengthening our resilience and capacity as a systemic helper/mediator.
Wed 9 December, 2-5.30pm (GMT)
Session 5: Conclusion and next steps
Building on this learning and taking it into our personal and work lives.
Ben Yeger is Founder of Moving Conflicts and UK representative of Combatants for Peace (CfP). After serving in the Israeli Army (83-86), Ben left Israel making a promise to himself that he would never carry a weapon again. Ben has 25 years’ experience of group facilitation and training, working with people from a wide variety of backgrounds and ages in conflict transformation. He creates innovative, nonviolent and collaborative interventions which transform conflict from barriers to relationship into opportunities for change.
Click here for Ben Yeger’s TED Talk on Conflict Transformation.
Milly Sinclair has been working as a facilitator for over 20 years, particularly around areas of leadership, conflict transformation and change. Milly has worked for many years in conflict transformation with organisations including the University of Oxford, Mitsubishi, Unicredit Bank and Amnesty International; through her interfaith, intercultural and peace work in Israel/ Palestine; and through the development of community cohesion projects.
Originally with a psychotherapeutic and theatre background, she has been a systemic practitioner and coach for over ten years, and in all her work she brings up to date psychological and business theory to life with an original and creative approach.
What people say
“Profound learning – all the exercises and the sense of narrative and evolution of the process as a whole. The constellation work was very powerful for me, and well resourced by everything that came before.”
Sholeh Johnstone, Facilitator, Mediator and Coach
“This was a very powerful and potent two days. My learnings have been significant around my current conflict. The design was cumulatively powerful, the way the activities built on each other helped me begin to see some broader patterns and give me a meta-understanding of my inner and outer relationship with conflict.”
Deborah Haskew, Organisational Psychologist and Executive Coach
To register your place please book and pay online below. If you have any general queries, please contact us.